Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The beauty of Pentecost

I title this post "The beauty of Pentecost" because of a recent study of the book of Acts. My attempt to expound on some truths taken from the book of Acts. This first one I will concentrate on the timing of Acts. Chapters 1 & 2 we see the birth of the church. Acts 1:4-5 Jesus is speaking to the disciples He tells them "not to leave Jerusalem but to wait for what the Father had promised "which, " He said, "you heard of from Me; for John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now." (10 days to exact). After Firstfruits, Jesus is with the disciples for 40 days; then He ascends to the Father. The Spirit comes 10 days later,(on Pentecost) after Jesus ascends to the Father. (My next blog I will focus on the "baptism with the Holy Spirit).

The books of Acts is what we call a bridge or transition from the Old Covenant to the New Covenant. The acts of the Holy Spirit. So therefore when you are reading the gospels you realize that during that time they (disciples, Jesus) were still under the Old Covenant. The New Covenant was not inaugurated until the Cross. So anytime you are reading anything from Old Testament and Gospels realize that the Holy Spirit had not yet come to indwelt believers. Under the Old Covenant when we see the mention of the Holy Spirit, especially say with King David. We see that the Holy Spirit came and went, Holy Spirit empowered someone for a particular task. The Holy Spirit did not indwell man as under the New Covenant. Remember King David after his sin with Bathsheba, praying in Psalms 51:11 "do not take Thy Holy Spirit from me". Under the New Covenant the Holy Spirit permanently indwells believers. Ephesians 1:13-14 "In Him, you also, after listening to the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation having also believed, you were sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is given as a pledge of our inheritance with a view to the redemption of God's own possession to the praise of His glory." Not to say that we as believers cannot grieve the Holy Spirit by our sin. (That's a whole new topic).

The timing of the book of Acts was "Pentecost". To have a better understanding of the Feast, Leviticus 23 and Numbers 28 & 29 will give you Feasts and the requirements for keeping. Also some notes taken from a book called "The Holiness of God" by Dr. Allen Ross.

“FEAST OF ISRAEL”APPOINTED TIMES – mo-a-deem A holy calendar reminded the people that time, everything in time, nature, all belonged to God. Holy Calendar, Agricultural Festivals, Seasonal calendar taught people that God established times for re-creation. He set the pattern of the seasons with times for sowing and for harvesting, labor and rest. Established and maintained the people as community of believers. Coming together shaped the community. Preserved Israel’s heritage and identity. Gathering’s brought greater praise and glory to God. Festivals in the year charted the essential aspects of God’s redemptive work. Year by Year God’s saving acts were reenacted beginning in the spring with Passover – deliverance from bondage by blood of Lamb, followed by the purging of corruption for a life of purity, the celebration of a new life given to God and the guidance and instruction given to that life. At the end of the year came the summons to enter His presence, followed by the removal of all sin by full atonement and then finally entering the fulfillment of the promises with great joy.

Lev 23:15-21
3RD MO (SIVAN)“SHAVUOT” – FESTIVAL OF PENTECOST (50) Harvest produced bread 50 DAYS –7 Complete Sabbaths after First fruits
The First (barley)sheaf was brought to the sanctuary just after Passover. 49 days later the last cereal crop (wheat) ripened. Now the Israelites had to bring two loaves of bread made from fine flour and leaven. The only time leaven was used. This festival celebrated what the harvests produced, what the Lord had produced for them.
Beginning and end of the grain harvest
Feast of weeks commemorate the giving of the Law that took place shortly after Passover and exodus from Egypt.
15-22 main emphasis the dedication and thanksgiving of the people of God for the bounty that they had received. The expression of gratitude takes the tangible form of loaves of bread made from wheat. (also leaving the corners for poor). Grain, Wave (2 loaves of leavened bread)burnt, drink, sin, peace offerings Priest shall wave them with the bread of the First fruits for a wave offering with the Lamb. They are holy to the Lord.

BELIEFS: Shavuot – giving of the Torah on Shavuot redeemed us spiritually from our bondage to idolatry and immorality.
Typology Feast of Weeks: Acts 2
“When the day of Pentecost had fully come”
OT Feast celebrated the two loaves baked with leaven as firstfruits to the Lord. What the harvest had made possible from the firstfruits to the full grain harvest. In time the giving of the Law was associated with First fruits.
NT– Luke saw the church as fulfillment of what had come to be called Pentecost. Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Bread and Feast of Firstfruits all foreshadowed the redemptive work of Messiah and Pentecost was the natural extension of Christ’s work. Firstfruits eventually turned into two loaves of bread, Christ’s death and resurrection produced the body of Christ – believers who were gathered into the church on this day of Pentecost. Just as Pentecost commemorated the giving of the law to Israel at Sinai, the Lord chose this day to send His Spirit and unite the body of Christ. According to the New Covenant (Jer 31:31-34; Ez 36:24-32) the Spirit will write the law on the hearts of the believers. Just as the loaves of bread made with leaven were placed before the Lord, the believers, imperfect in many ways, were presented to the Lord. Here then, is what the firstfruits of the resurrected Christ produces, and they are in turn are the first fruits of the new creation (Eph 1:10)

One thing to remember Pentecost where the Law was written upon believers hearts by the Holy Spirit. Not all Jews came to believe in Jesus Christ and became part of the body of Christ. Therefore a day to come for future fulfillment for Jews. (Trumpets, Atonement, Booths)(studying Revelation will shed alot of light on this).

What I love about the loaves of bread, the ingredients can never be divided again. They are permanently mixed and baked together.

The mystery of the church, Jew and Gentile into one body. Paul himself said in Ephesians 3:9-10 who preached the gospel to the Gentiles, the "unfathomable riches of Christ, and to bring to light what is the administration of the mystery which for ages has been hidden in God who created all things; so that the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known through the church to the rulers and the authorities in the heavenly places. This was in according with the eternal purpose which He carried out in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.


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